Sometimes assert code in tests gets big and messy and complicated when the output we’re testing is complex.
Approval Tests is a library that can help simplify assert code. The library has other benefits/use cases which I’ll cover in future posts such as using human intelligence to judge if the output is correct; providing a safety net when refactoring legacy code that has no tests; and even testing view rendering.
In the following test code, notice the assert phase:
public void TraditionalAsserts()
var lines = new List<string>
"Widget sales: 42",
"Losses: 99",
"Coffee overheads: 9,999,999"
var sut = new ReportGenerator(title: "Annual Report",
footer: "Copyright 2020",
string report = sut.Generate();
// Notice the complexity of the asserts below
Assert.Equal("Annual Report", report.Split(Environment.NewLine)[0]);
Assert.Equal("Widget sales: 42", report.Split(Environment.NewLine)[2]);
Assert.Equal("Losses: 99", report.Split(Environment.NewLine)[3]);
Assert.Equal("Coffee overheads: 9,999,999", report.Split(Environment.NewLine)[4]);
Assert.Equal("Total lines: 3", report.Split(Environment.NewLine)[6]);
Assert.Equal("Copyright 2020", report.Split(Environment.NewLine)[8]);
// We could also have just asserted using a long expected string rather than individual line asserts
And for reference the ReportGenerator class looks like the following:
public class ReportGenerator
public string Title { get; }
public List<string> Lines { get; }
public string Footer { get; }
public ReportGenerator(string title, string footer, List<string> lines)
Title = title;
Footer = footer;
Lines = lines;
public string Generate()
var report = new StringBuilder();
foreach (var line in Lines)
report.AppendLine($"Total lines: {Lines.Count}");
return report.ToString();
So in the test there are 6 lines of assert code:
Assert.Equal("Annual Report", report.Split(Environment.NewLine)[0]);
Assert.Equal("Widget sales: 42", report.Split(Environment.NewLine)[2]);
Assert.Equal("Losses: 99", report.Split(Environment.NewLine)[3]);
Assert.Equal("Coffee overheads: 9,999,999", report.Split(Environment.NewLine)[4]);
Assert.Equal("Total lines: 3", report.Split(Environment.NewLine)[6]);
Assert.Equal("Copyright 2020", report.Split(Environment.NewLine)[8]);
If the output was more complex or bigger (for example 100’s or 1000’s of lines of text) then the assert code would get even more messy and harder to maintain. Or what if the output was some binary representation such as an array of bytes representing a generated image or text to speech sound file?
It’s in these cases when dealing with complex output that Approval Tests can help to simplify the assert code as shown in the following test:
public void ApprovalTestsVersion()
var lines = new List<string>
"Widget sales: 42",
"Losses: 99",
"Coffee overheads: 9,999,999"
var sut = new ReportGenerator(title: "Annual Report",
footer: "Copyright 2020",
string report = sut.Generate();
Notice in the preceding code the line: Approvals.Verify(report); This line calls Approval Tests and will create a new “received” .txt file in the test project. You can examine this text file and if it is correct rename it to be an “approved” file. When the test runs in the future, Approval Tests will use the approved file (which should be added to source control) and if the generated report is the same then the test will pass, otherwise the test will fail and a new received file will be output. The [UseReporter] attribute lets you specify how to visualize approval failures, in this example by using a diff tool, and there’s a number of other reporters that come out of the box that you can use.
If you want to see Approval Tests in action and learn more about how they can make your testing life easier check out my Approval Tests for .NET Pluralsight course which you can currently start watching for free today with a Pluralsight free trial.