Approval Tests: Assert With Human Intelligence

In the previous article I described how the Approval Tests library can help reduce the amount of assert code that needs to be written. The second benefit of using Approval Tests is the ability to use innate human intelligence to decide if the result of the test is correct.

Imagine a scenario where you need to assert that a text-to-speech generator has generated the correct output. In this example the output could be a byte array representing a .WAV or .MP3 sound file. How would you write traditional asserts to test this output?

As another example, suppose you had to test code that applied a creative filter to an input photograph, this could be some sort of “make skin tones look nice” filter, the output in this case would be a modified image file. How would you assert that the output photo looked “nice”?

In cases like these using traditional asserts may be impossible or very time consuming to implement, there is no Assert.Speech(…) or Assert.LooksNice(…).

This is where the Approval Tests library offers great benefits. You could simply write Approvals.Verify(speechWavBytes); or Approvals.Verify(processedImageBytes); In the case of the sound file you could listen to it and decide if it sounds correct. In the case of the processed photo, you could look at it on screen and use human intelligence to decide if it “looks nice”.

Once you are happy you can approve the results and then in future tests runs if the output accidentally changes due to a bug the tests will fail.

If you want to see Approval Tests in action and learn more about how they can make your testing life easier check out my Approval Tests for .NET Pluralsight course which you can currently start watching for free today with a Pluralsight free trial.


Approval Tests: Write Tests More Quickly

Sometimes assert code in tests gets big and messy and complicated when the output we’re testing is complex.

Approval Tests is a library that can help simplify assert code. The library has other benefits/use cases which I’ll cover in future posts such as using human intelligence to judge if the output is correct; providing a safety net when refactoring legacy code that has no tests; and even testing view rendering.

In the following test code, notice the assert phase:

public void TraditionalAsserts()
    var lines = new List<string>
        "Widget sales: 42",
        "Losses: 99",
        "Coffee overheads: 9,999,999"

    var sut = new ReportGenerator(title: "Annual Report",
                                    footer: "Copyright 2020",

    string report = sut.Generate();

    // Notice the complexity of the asserts below
    Assert.Equal("Annual Report", report.Split(Environment.NewLine)[0]);
    Assert.Equal("Widget sales: 42", report.Split(Environment.NewLine)[2]);
    Assert.Equal("Losses: 99", report.Split(Environment.NewLine)[3]);
    Assert.Equal("Coffee overheads: 9,999,999", report.Split(Environment.NewLine)[4]);
    Assert.Equal("Total lines: 3", report.Split(Environment.NewLine)[6]);
    Assert.Equal("Copyright 2020", report.Split(Environment.NewLine)[8]);

    // We could also have just asserted using a long expected string rather than individual line asserts

And for reference the ReportGenerator class looks like the following:

public class ReportGenerator
    public string Title { get; }
    public List<string> Lines { get; }
    public string Footer { get; }

    public ReportGenerator(string title, string footer, List<string> lines)
        Title = title;
        Footer = footer;
        Lines = lines;

    public string Generate()
        var report = new StringBuilder();


        foreach (var line in Lines)

        report.AppendLine($"Total lines: {Lines.Count}");


        return report.ToString();

So in the test there are 6 lines of assert code:

Assert.Equal("Annual Report", report.Split(Environment.NewLine)[0]);
Assert.Equal("Widget sales: 42", report.Split(Environment.NewLine)[2]);
Assert.Equal("Losses: 99", report.Split(Environment.NewLine)[3]);
Assert.Equal("Coffee overheads: 9,999,999", report.Split(Environment.NewLine)[4]);
Assert.Equal("Total lines: 3", report.Split(Environment.NewLine)[6]);
Assert.Equal("Copyright 2020", report.Split(Environment.NewLine)[8]);

If the output was more complex or bigger (for example 100’s or 1000’s of lines of text) then the assert code would get even more messy and harder to maintain. Or what if the output was some binary representation such as an array of bytes representing a generated image or text to speech sound file?

It’s in these cases when dealing with complex output that Approval Tests can help to simplify the assert code as shown in the following test:

public void ApprovalTestsVersion()
    var lines = new List<string>
        "Widget sales: 42",
        "Losses: 99",
        "Coffee overheads: 9,999,999"

    var sut = new ReportGenerator(title: "Annual Report",
                                    footer: "Copyright 2020",

    string report = sut.Generate();


Notice in the preceding code the line: Approvals.Verify(report); This line calls Approval Tests and will create a new  “received” .txt file in the test project. You can examine this text file and if it is correct rename it to be an “approved” file. When the test runs in the future, Approval Tests will use the approved file (which should be added to source control) and if the generated report is the same then the test will pass, otherwise the test will fail and a new received file will be output. The [UseReporter] attribute lets you specify how to visualize approval failures, in this example by using a diff tool, and there’s a number of other reporters that come out of the box that you can use.

If you want to see Approval Tests in action and learn more about how they can make your testing life easier check out my Approval Tests for .NET Pluralsight course which you can currently start watching for free today with a Pluralsight free trial.


Simplify and Reduce Test Code with AutoFixture

AutoFixture is a library that you can use alongside your testing framework to reduce the amount of boilerplate test code you need to write and thus improve your productivity.

At its core, AutoFixture helps you setup your tests by generating anonymous test data for you. This anonymous test data can be used to fulfil non-important boilerplate test data; this is test data that is required for the test to execute but whose value is unimportant.

Take the follow abbreviated test:

public void ManualCreation()
    // arrange

    Customer customer = new Customer()
        CustomerName = "Amrit"

    Order order = new Order(customer)
        Id = 42,
        OrderDate = DateTime.Now,
        Items =
                          new OrderItem
                              ProductName = "Rubber ducks",
                              Quantity = 2

    // act and assert phases...

Suppose the previous test code was only creating an Order (with associated Customer) just to fulfil some dependency and the actual Customer and OrderItems did not matter. In this case we could use AutoFixture to generate them for us.

AutoFixture can be installed via NuGet and once installed allows a Fixture instance to be instantiated. This Fixture object can then be used to generate anonymous test data and greatly simplify the arrange phase, as the following test shows:

public void AutoCreation()
    // arrange

    var fixture = new Fixture();

    Order order = fixture.Create<Order>();

    // act and assert phases...

If we were to debug this test we’d see the following values:

AutoFixture anonymous test data generation for complex object graphs

Notice in the preceding screenshot that AutoFixture has created the object graph for us, including the Customer and 3 OrderItem instances.

There’s a lot more to AutoFixture than just this simple example, for example you can combine with the AutoFixture.Xunit2 package to further reduce code:

[Theory, AutoData]
public void SubtractWhenZeroTest(int aPositiveNumber, Calculator sut)
    // Act

    // Assert
    Assert.True(sut.Value < 0);

If you want to learn more about how AutoFixture can improve your productivity check out the docs or start watching for free  my AutoFixture Pluralsight course with a free trial:


Running Tests on Specific Threads for WPF and Other UI Tests

Sometimes when you write a test with (or other testing frameworks) you may run into problems if UI technologies are involved. This usually relates to the fact that the test must execute using a specific threading model such as single-threaded apartment (STA).

For example suppose you had a WPF app that you wanted to add tests for.

The XAML looks like:

<Window x:Class="WpfApp1.MainWindow"
        Title="MainWindow" Height="450" Width="800">
        <TextBlock FontSize="42" Text="{Binding Path=Greeting}" />

And the simple quick and dirty view model class looks like:

namespace WpfApp1
    public class MainWindowViewModel
        public string Greeting { get; set; }

And  in the MainWindow constructor we set the data context:

public MainWindow()

    var vm = new MainWindowViewModel { Greeting = "Hi there!" };
    DataContext = vm;

(This is a very simple demo code with no change notifications etc.)

If you wanted to write an test that instantiates an instance of MainWindow, such as:

public void RenderWithViewModel()
    var sut = new MainWindow();
    var vm = new MainWindowViewModel { Greeting = "Good day!" };
    sut.DataContext = vm;

    // Test rendering, e.g. using Approval Tests

If you run this, the test will fail with: System.InvalidOperationException : The calling thread must be STA, because many UI components require this.

Note: this test is using Approval Tests (e.g. [UseReporter(typeof(DiffReporter))]) to render the UI into an image file for approval, you can learn more about Approval Tests with my Pluralsight course. Approval Tests is no related to the threading model requirements.

To enable this test to run you need to instruct xUnit to run the test using an apartment model process (“STA thread”).

Luckily Andrew Arnott has done all the hard work for us and created some custom attributes that allow us to specify what thread/synchronization context to use for a test.

Once the Xunit.StaFact NuGet package has been installed into the test project you can replace the standard [Fact] attribute with [StaFact]. The test will now execute without error:

using ApprovalTests.Reporters;
using ApprovalTests.Wpf;
using Xunit;

namespace WpfApp1.Tests
    public class MainWindowShould
        public void RenderWithViewModel()
            var sut = new MainWindow();
            var vm = new MainWindowViewModel { Greeting = "Good day!" };
            sut.DataContext = vm;

            // Test rendering, e.g. using Approval Tests

There are also a number of other attributes such as [WinFormsFact] for use with Windows Forms apps, check out the entire list of attributes in the docs.

If you use this library make sure to say a thankyou to Andrew on Twitter  :)

Also check out my Pluralsight training course or get started watching with a free trial.


Pretty Method Display in

One little-known feature of the testing framework is the ability to write test method names in a specific way and then have them converted to a ‘pretty’ version for example in Visual Studio Test Explorer.

Take the following test method:

using ClassLibrary1;
using Xunit;

namespace XUnitTestProject2
    public class CalculatorShould
        public void Add2PositiveNumbers()
            var sut = new Calculator();


            Assert.Equal(2, sut.Value);

By default, this will look like the following screenshot in Visual Studio Test Explorer:

Default Test Method Name Display

The first thing that can be modified to to simplify the test method name display to only display the test method name and not the preceding namespace and class name, for example “XUnitTestProject2.CalculatorShould.Add2PositiveNumbers” becomes more simply “Add2PositiveNumbers” by making a simple configuration change.

Displaying Only Test Method Names in Tests

To control the rendering of method names in, the first thing to do is add a new file called “xunit.runner.json” to the root of the test project and set the Copy To Output Directory property to Copy if newer. This will make this file copy to the output bin directory. Once this is done, if you open the project file you should see something like:

  <None Update="xunit.runner.json">

Next, modify the json file to the following:

  "$schema": "",
   "methodDisplay": "method"

Notice in the preceding json configuration the methodDisplay has been set to “method”, this will prevent the namespace and class being prepended to the method name in Test Explorer.

Now if you head back to Test Explorer you should see the following:

Method name only display in tests

Enabling Pretty Method Names in

In addition to shortening test method name display we can also make use of’s “pretty method display”.

To enable this feature, modify the json configuration file and add the "methodDisplayOptions": "all" configuration as follows:

  "$schema": "",
  "methodDisplay": "method",
  "methodDisplayOptions": "all"

Now the previous test can be renamed to “Add_2_positive_numbers” as follows:

public void Add_2_positive_numbers()
    var sut = new Calculator();


    Assert.Equal(2, sut.Value);

In test explorer this test method will show up as “Add 2 positive numbers” as the following screenshot shows: pretty method display names

You can use other items in the test method name, for example you can use the monikers eq, ne, lt, le, gt, ge that get replaced with =, !=, <, <=, >, >= respectively, for example a test name of “Have_a_value_eq_0_when_multiplied_by_zero” would be displayed as “Have a value = 0 when multiplied by zero”. Here the eq has been replaced with =.

You can also use ASCII or Unicode escape sequences, for example the test name “Divide_by_U00BD” gets displayed as “Divide by ½” and the test “Email_address_should_only_contain_a_single_U0040” gets displayed as “Email address should only contain a single @”, or “The_U2211_of_1U002C_2_and_3_should_be_6” becomes “The ∑ of 1, 2 and 3 should be 6”:

xUnit Pretty methods

You could also combine the "methodDisplay": "classAndMethod" to create something like  and the following:

namespace Given_a_cleared_calculator
    public class when_a_number_gt_0_is_added
        public void then_the_value_should_be_gt_0()
            // etc.

        public void then_the_value_should_eq_the_one_added()
            // etc.

This would produce the following tests in Test Explorer: Pretty Display Names

If you want to learn more about writing tests with check out my Pluralsight course today.


New Pluralsight Course: Creating Automated Browser Tests with Selenium in C#

My newest Pluralsight course was just published and you can start watching today. Selenium is a tool that allows you to automate a web browser and simulate an end-user interacting with your web app. You can combine Selenium with a test framework such as to create tests that check your web app is working as expected.

Automated browser tests can compliment your other types of tests such as unit and integration tests.

From the course description: “Unit and integration tests can help you catch a range of bugs, but not all of them. Even if your unit and integration tests pass, you could still deploy your web app to production and find it doesn’t work as expected. In this course, Creating Automated Browser Tests with Selenium in C#, you will gain the ability to create tests that automate the browser and simulate a real person using your web app. First, you will learn how to set up your test project and write your first test. Next, you will discover how to interact with web page elements from your tests, such as clicking a button or typing text. Finally, you will explore how to create a suite of automated web tests that are easier to maintain over time. When you are finished with this course, you will have the skills and knowledge of Selenium automated browser testing needed to help ensure your web app is working as expected before you release it to production.”

Check out the course today and if you’re not a Pluralsight member you can currently start watching for free with a Pluralsight Free Trial


Using Local Functions to Replace Comments

One idea I’ve been thinking about recently is the replacement of comments with local function calls.

Now this idea doesn’t mean that it’s ok to have massive functions that have no functional cohesion but instead in some circumstances it may improve readability.

In C#, local functions were introduced in C# 7.0. They essentially allow you to write a function inside of a method, property get/set, etc.

As an example take the following code:

public static void ProcessSensorData(string data)
    // HACK: occasionally a sensor hardware glitch adds extraneous $ signs
    data = data.Replace("$", "");

    string upperCaseName = data.ToUpperInvariant();

private static void Save(string data)
    // Save somewhere etc.

In the preceding code there is a hack to fix broken sensors that keep adding extra $ signs.

This could be written using a local function as follows:

public static void ProcessSensorData(string data)
    string upperCaseName = data.ToUpperInvariant();

    void FixExtraneousSensorData()
        data = data.Replace("$", "");

Notice in this version, there is a local function FixExtraneousSensorData that strips out the $ signs. This function is named to try and convey the comment that we had before: “occasionally a sensor hardware glitch adds extraneous $ signs”. Also notice the local function has direct access to the variables of the method in which they’re declared, in this case data.

There are other options here of course such as creating a normal non-local class-level function and passing data to it, or perhaps creating and injecting a data sanitation class as a dependency.

Replacing Arrange, Act, Assert Comments in Unit Tests

As another example consider the following test code:

public void HaveSanitizedFullName()
    // Arrange
    var p = new Person
        FirstName = "    Sarah ",
        LastName = "  Smith   "

    // Act
    var fullName = p.CreateFullSanitizedName();

    // Assert
    Assert.Equal("Sarah Smith", fullName);

Notice the comments separating the logical test phases.

Again these comments could be replaced with local functions as follows:

public void HaveSanitizedFullName_LocalFunctions()
    Person p;
    string fullName;

    void Arrange()
        p = new Person
            FirstName = "    Sarah ",
            LastName = "  Smith   "

    void Act()
        fullName = p.CreateFullSanitizedName();

    void AssertResults()
        Assert.Equal("Sarah Smith", fullName);

This version is a lot longer and although we’ve rid ourselves of the comments the test body is a lot longer, with more lines of code, and I think is probably not as readable. Obviously the test is very simple, if you’ve got a lot of test arrange code for example you could just abstract the arrange phase perhaps.

Another option in the test code to remove the comments is to make use of the most basic unit of design – white space. So for example we could remove comments and still give a clue to the various phases as follows:

public void HaveSanitizedFullName_WhiteSpace()
    var p = new Person
        FirstName = "    Sarah ",
        LastName = "  Smith   "

    var fullName = p.CreateFullSanitizedName();


    Assert.Equal("Sarah Smith", fullName);

I think the tactical use of local functions like in the first example to replace the hack comment  may be more useful than replacing the (arguably extraneous) arrange act assert comments in tests.

Let me know in the comments if you think this is a good idea, a terrible idea, or something that you might use now and again.

If you want to fill in the gaps in your C# knowledge be sure to check out my C# Tips and Traps training course from Pluralsight – get started with a free trial.


Learning xUnit .NET Unit Testing the Easy Way

If you’re getting started with .NET or you’ve done some testing but want to know how to put it all together and also learn some additional tools then the new testing path from Pluralsight may be of interest (you can also get started viewing for free with a trial).

The path currently has the following individual courses (including some of my courses) taking you right from the basics of to more advanced techniques:

  • Testing .NET Code with Getting Started
  • Mocking in .NET Core Unit Tests with Moq: Getting Started
  • Creating Maintainable Contexts for Automated Testing
  • Writing Testable Code
  • Building a Pragmatic Unit Test Suite
  • Improving Unit Tests with Fluent Assertions
  • Better .NET Unit Tests with AutoFixture: Get Started
  • Approval Tests for .NET

If you’re already skilled with you may find some of the other courses in the path useful.

You can start watching with a Pluralsight free trial.


Diagnosing Failing Tests More Easily and Improving Test Code Readability

Sometimes the assertions that come bundled with a testing framework are suboptimal in that they do not provide test failure messages that allow easier understanding of why/where the test failed.

If the test failure message does not provide enough information, it may be necessary to run the test in debug mode just to find out what went wrong before fixing it. This test debugging step is wasted time.

Using the built-in assertions can also be suboptimal from a code readability point of view, though this can be a matter of personal preference.

The Fluent Assertions library aims to solve these two problems by:

  • Providing better, more descriptive test failure messages; and
  • Providing a more fluent, readable  syntax for assertions

Let’s take a look at some examples. Note that Fluent Assertions is an “add on” to whatever testing framework you are using (NUnit,, etc.).

The following test (using NUnit) shows a simple case:

public class CreditCardApplication
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public int Age { get; set; }
    public decimal AnnualGrossIncome { get; set; }

    public int CalculateCreditScore()
        int score = 0;

        if (Age > 30)
            score += 10;

        if (AnnualGrossIncome < 50_000)
            score += 30;
            score += 30;

        return score;


public void NUnitExample()
    var application = new CreditCardApplication
        Name = "Sarah",
        Age = 31,
        AnnualGrossIncome = 50_001

    Assert.That(application.CalculateCreditScore(), Is.EqualTo(50));

When this test fails using the built-in NUnit asserts, the failure message is:

Test Outcome:    Failed

Result Message:    
Expected: 50
  But was:  40

Notice in the preceding test failure message we don’t have any context about what is failing or what the number 50 and 40 represent. While well-named tests can help with this, it can be helpful to have additional information, especially when there are multiple asserts in a single test method.

The same test in

public void XUnitExample()
    var application = new CreditCardApplication
        Name = "Sarah",
        Age = 31,
        AnnualGrossIncome = 50_001

    Assert.Equal(50, application.CalculateCreditScore());

Produces the message:

Test Outcome:    Failed

Result Message:    
Assert.Equal() Failure
Expected: 50
Actual:   40

Once again there is no additional context about the failure.

The same test written using Fluent Assertions would look like the following:

public void XUnitExample_WithFluentAssertions()
    var application = new CreditCardApplication
        Name = "Sarah",
        Age = 31,
        AnnualGrossIncome = 50_001


Now when the test fails, the message looks like the following:

Test Outcome:    Failed
Result Message:
Expected application.CalculateCreditScore() to be 50, but found 40.

Notice the failure is telling us the method (or variable) name that is being asserted on – in this example the CalculateCreditScore method.

Optionally you can also add a “because” to further clarify failures:

public void XUnitExample_WithFluentAssertions_Because()
    var application = new CreditCardApplication
        Name = "Sarah",
        Age = 31,
        AnnualGrossIncome = 50_001

    application.CalculateCreditScore().Should().Be(50, because: "an age of {0} should be worth 20 points and an income of {1} should be worth 30 points.", application.Age, application.AnnualGrossIncome);

This would now produce the following failure message:

Test Outcome:    Failed
Result Message:    
Expected application.CalculateCreditScore() to be 50 because an age of 31 should be worth 20 points and an income of 50001 should be worth 30 points., but found 40.

Notice the “because” not only gives a richer failure message but also helps describe the test. While you probably wouldn’t use the because feature on every assert, you could use it to clarify tests that may not be obvious at first sight or that represent complex domain logic or algorithms. You should also be aware that the because text may need modifying if the business logic changes and this may introduce an additional maintenance cost.

If you want to learn more about Fluent Assertions, check out my express Pluralsight course Improving Unit Tests with Fluent Assertions which you can get access to with a Pluralsight free trial by clicking the banner below.


Learning .NET Unit Testing the Easy Way

Knowing what you need to know is hard. Sometimes harder than the learning itself.

Many years ago I was getting started with .NET v1 and .NET unit testing, Agile had recently been “invented” and I had a printout of the agile manifesto on the office wall. I was also learning Test Driven Development (TDD), mocking, unit testing frameworks, assertions, data driven testing.

I remember it being a little overwhelming at times, so much to learn with fragments of information scattered around but no clearly defined path to follow to get where I knew I wanted to be: proficient and efficient in writing high quality, tested and testable code.

Today things are a little easier but there can still be the: “I don’t know what I need to know”.

This is where skills paths from Pluralsight can be super helpful. I wish I had had them all those years ago.

A path is a curated collection of courses in a specific order to get you to where you need to be for a specific learning goal.

I’m super proud to have contributed to the C# Unit Testing with NUnit Pluralsight path which at the time of writing you can start to watch for free with a Pluralsight free trial.

While it’s certainly possible that you could find the information and learn the topics yourself, you would also waste so much time in getting the information from disparate sources and trying to “meta learn” what it is you don’t know. Ultimately it depends on how much free time you have and how efficient you want to be at learning. You should always keep the end goal in mind and weigh up the costs/benefits/risks of the different ways of getting to that goal. If you want to learn to “how to write clean, testable code, all the way from writing your first test to mocking out dependencies to developing a pragmatic suite of unit tests for your application” then the C# Unit Testing with NUnit path may be your most efficient approach to get to your goal.