So I’ve been running this series: 50 Apps by Christmas.
Currently I’ve got 29 new apps to create before Christmas 2013 (next week).

As I’m not going to hit this (my book has been a higher priority) I’ve decided to roll it up into a new self-challenge: 100 Apps By Christmas 2014, I’m going to call it “A Year Of Apps”.
This means I’ve effectively got to develop 71 new apps in about 53 weeks!!
One way I’m going to do this is to (by default) dual target apps for both Windows Phone and Windows Store – I count them as separate apps. By leveraging Portable Class Libraries for view models and shared code and by creating my “starter template” in Visual Studio 2013 I hope to decrease app dev times. I also intend to do some work around automating app icon design, about pages, etc. to further reduce “boilerplate” work. Hopefully I’ll be able to evolve these and release them as open source tools :)