Right Click and Context Menu Support in Silverlight 4

Silverlight 4 allows us access to right-click functionality, in earlier versions of Silverlight right-clicking would bring up the standard SL popup menu.

Simple Right Click

To capture a right-click the MouseRightButtonDown event can be subscribed to:


To prevent the standard SL popup from appearing, in the event handler we set Handled to true, this stops the right-click event from bubbling up to Silverlight:

private void btnPopup_MouseRightButtonDown(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
    // Prevent the standard Silverlight popup          
    e.Handled = true;

    MessageBox.Show("Right button clicked");

Context Menu

The ContextMenu is available in the Silverlight Toolkit.

A popup context menu can easily be added to a control (e.g. a button), when the control is right-clicked the context menu is automatically shown

The XAML below declares a simple popup menu with 2 menu items: Open & Save that when clicked both fire the same event handler.

<Button Name="btnContextMenu"
        Content="ContextMenu Right Click"
            <toolkit:MenuItem Header="Open" Click="ContextMenuItem_Click"/>
            <toolkit:MenuItem Header="Save" Click="ContextMenuItem_Click"/>

The namespace (xmlns:toolkit="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml/presentation/toolkit") must be declared - if you drag and drop something from the Toolkit the namespace will be automatically added.

Full listing (simple popup & context menu)


<UserControl x:Class="SL4RClickPopup.MainPage"
    d:DesignHeight="300" d:DesignWidth="400" >  
        <Button Name="btnPopup"
                Content="Simple Right Click"
                MouseRightButtonDown="btnPopup_MouseRightButtonDown" />
        <Button Name="btnContextMenu"
                Content="ContextMenu Right Click"
                    <toolkit:MenuItem Header="Open" Click="ContextMenuItem_Click"/>
                    <toolkit:MenuItem Header="Save" Click="ContextMenuItem_Click"/>

Code Behind:

using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Controls;
using System.Windows.Input;

namespace SL4RClickPopup
    public partial class MainPage : UserControl
        public MainPage()

        private void btnPopup_MouseRightButtonDown(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
            // Prevent the standard Silverlight popup          
            e.Handled = true;

            MessageBox.Show("Right button clicked");

        private void btnContextMenu_MouseRightButtonDown(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
            // Because we have declare a ContextMenu in Xaml we don't
            // need to manually set e.Handled = true;

        private void ContextMenuItem_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            MessageBox.Show("ContextMenu item clicked");


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