FluentMVCTesting facilitates the writing of tests against MVC controllers in a fluent way.
FluentMVCTesting is available via NuGet: Install-Package TestStack.FluentMVCTesting
There’s a number of things that FluentMVCTesting can help to test such as:
- A controller action returns the correct view
- A controller action returns the correct HTTP status
- A controller action returns an empty result
- A controller action returns a view if there are model errors
- A controller action returns a view with the correct model data
- A controller action should redirect to a Url / Route / Action
It’s also not tied to a specific testing framework, so it can be used with NUnit, xUnit.net, MSTest, etc.
var sut = new ExampleController();
sut.WithCallTo(x => x.Show()).ShouldRenderView("Orders");
The preceding test code is testing the ExampleController. It is testing that when the Show()
action is called then the Orders view is rendered.
The following code checks that an expected HTTP status is returned.
var sut = new ExampleController();
sut.WithCallTo(x => x.MakeAnError())
To see more of what FluentMVCTesting can do check out my Building the Right Thing in .NET with TestStack Pluralsight course, check out the documentation, or check it out on GitHub.
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