Using Cyclomatic Complexity as an Indicator of Clean Code

Cyclomatic complexity is one way to measure how complicated code is, it measures how complicated the structure of the code is and by extension how likely it may be to attract bugs or additional cost in maintenance/readability.

The calculated value for the cyclomatic complexity indicates how many different paths through the code there are. This means that lower numbers are better than higher numbers.

Clean code is likely to have lower cyclomatic complexity that dirty code. High cyclomatic complexity increases the risk of the presence of defects in the code due to increased difficulty in its testability, readability, and maintainability.

Calculating Cyclomatic Complexity in Visual Studio

To calculate the cyclomatic complexity, go to the the Analyze menu and choose Calculate Code Metrics for Solution (or for a specific project within the solution).

This will open the Code Metrics Results window as seen in the following screenshot.


Take the following code (in a project called ClassLibrary1):

namespace ClassLibrary1
    public class Class1

If we expand the results in the Code Metrics Window we can drill down into classes and right down to individual methods as in the following screenshot.


At present the cyclomatic complexity is 1. Let’s add a method to the class:

namespace ClassLibrary1
    public class Class1
        public void SomeMethod(int someInt)

This increases the cyclomatic complexity for the project and class to 2 as in the following screenshot.


If we add an if statement inside this new method:

namespace ClassLibrary1
    public class Class1
        public void SomeMethod(int someInt)
            if (someInt < 10)


The complexity increases to 3 overall and SomeMethod now has a value of 2 – we have 2 different code paths through the method: one path if someInt is less than 10 and a second code path if the value is 10 or greater.

Let’s add a 3rd path:

namespace ClassLibrary1
    public class Class1
        public void SomeMethod(int someInt)
            if (someInt < 10)
            else if (someInt > 20)

Now the complexity for SomeMethod increases to 3 and the overall complexity increases to 4 as in the following screenshot.


If we create a really complex method now with multiple nested if statements:

public bool SomeComplexMethod(int age, string name, bool isAdmin)
    bool result = false;

    if (name == "Sarah")
        if (age < 20 || age > 100)
            if (isAdmin)
                result = true;
            else if (age == 42)
                result = false;
                result = true;
    else if (name == "Gentry" && isAdmin)
        result = false;
        if (age == 50)
            if (isAdmin)
                if (name == "Amrit")
                    result = false;
                else if (name == "Jane")
                    result = true;
                    result = false;

    return result;

We get a complexity for the (unfathomable)  SomeComplexMethod of 12 and the overall complexity increases to 16 as in the following screenshot.


Good Values

Whilst there is no single maximum “this value is always bad” limit, cyclomatic complexity exceeding 10-15 is usually a bad sign. We can see that SomeComplexMethod is impossible to reason about without expending great mental effort and this “only” has a complexity of 12.

Notice in the Code Metrics Results window we also get an overall Maintainability index which has a range of 0 to 100. Higher values indicate easier to maintain code: 20-100 = “good maintainability”; 10=19 = “moderate maintainability”; 0-9 = “low maintainability” [MSDN].

The SomeComplexMethod has a maintainability Index of 51 which equates to “good maintainability”, though I would ague against this description.

This point illustrates that while metrics are useful they shouldn’t be relied upon alone to judge the cleanliness of code. Metrics when used as a trend over time can give important insights, for example if six months ago a project had a cyclomatic complexity of 10 and now it has a value of 50, this indicates that further investigation is probably warranted.

Clean Code is a Combination of Factors

To sum up: clean, readable, maintainable code is a combination of factors including the use of things such as good names. The following code shows SomeComplexMethod with cryptic parameters and variable names:

public bool SomeComplexMethod(int a, string b, bool c)
    bool r = false;

    if (b == "Sarah")
        if (a < 20 || a > 100)
            if (c)
                r = true;
            else if (a == 42)
                r = false;
                r = true;
    else if (b == "Gentry" && c)
        r = false;
        if (a == 50)
            if (c)
                if (b == "Amrit")
                    r = false;
                else if (b == "Jane")
                    r = true;
                    r = false;

    return r;

These terrible names don’t degrade the metrics, we still get a maintainability Index of 51 and cyclomatic complexity of 12, even though the method is even more unmaintainable now.


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Comments (2) -

  • Jason Pike

    1/21/2015 5:38:22 AM | Reply

    Great post! I think that metrics like cyclomatic complexity are underutilized. I have a couple observations I would like to add.

    It might be useful to learn how the tools you choose for measuring cyclomatic complexity work. I try to make sure that the tool I'm using calculates metrics on the source code and not some derivative of the source code. I believe using a derivative of the source code undermines the value of cyclomatic complexity, which is supposed to identify the cognitive overhead experienced by a human programmer. After all, maintainability refers to the ease with which a programmer can make changes to the source code, not the computer’s ability to execute the code. I have found SourceMonitor by Campwood Software to be a reliable tool.

    For example, Visual Studio's code metrics tool calculates the cyclomatic complexity using the compiler-generated MSIL rather than the C# source code*. What this means is that calculations are made after translations are applied at compile-time, so the programmer's mistake of adding logic is potentially masked by the compiler. To see this in action, run code metrics in Visual Studio against a sizable project compiled using the Debug target. Then, run code metrics against the same project compiled using the Release target. You are likely to see different numbers.  (This assumes that the Debug target has optimizations disabled and that the Release target has optimizations enabled.)

    Another example of the differences between MSIL cyclomatic complexity and C# cyclomatic complexity  can be observed if you're using IL-weavers to modify source after compilation. Aspect-oriented frameworks like PostSharp enable you to eliminate complexity by baking in cross-cutting functionality at compile-time. Unfortunately, Visual Studio calculates the cyclomatic complexity after the IL-weaving occurs, so the complexity that was avoided by using aspect-oriented programming is counted against you in the code metrics. Oops.

    * I think Microsoft may have chosen to calculate metrics based on MSIL to save effort and improve consistency in results between .NET languages. Since .NET languages all compile to MSIL, they can write the code to calculate metrics once against MSIL to cover all languages versus writing multiple implementations to cover each individual .NET language. However, I stand by my initial assessment that computing cyclomatic complexity against a derivative of the source code undermines its purpose and therefore degrades its usefulness.

  • Jason

    1/21/2015 11:27:29 AM | Reply

    Thanks for the great comment Jason - I'll be sure to check out SourceMonitor Smile

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