Accessing web service from behind proxy

If you are going to (via a proxy server) connect to a web service on the Internet you may need to do the following (VB.NET): Dim s As Service1 s = New Service1 s.Credentials = System.Net.CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials s.Proxy = New System.Net.WebProxy(”internal proxy server address”, 80) s.Proxy.Credentials = System.Net.CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials


Generating truly random numbers with multiple simultaneous request

The Random Class, given a constant seed will always generate the samesequence of numbers.Creating a Random object using the default constructor uses the current timeas the seed, so if you have multiple simultaneous requests and need to getdifferent numbers this approach will not work.A slightly cumbersome “fix” to generate a seed is shown below. Thisessential [...]


ASP.NET CustomValidator doesn’t fire ServerValidate event w hen input box is empty

ASP.NET valuator controls don’t validate empty input by default, this iswhat the RequiredFieldValidator is for… sometimes for customised inputvalidation you might not want this behaviour (e.g. if one of two input boxesmust be non-blank)… /// /// Overrides the default behaviour of CustomValidator to allow /// ServerValidate event to fire even if the input is blank./// public [...]


Using network load balancing (NLB) with transactional MSMQ message

Want to send transactional messages using DIRECT format TCP to multiple server through a network load balancer? You can’t. Simple as that. See MSDN article ID 899611 Essentially you could have a single message delivered to more than one server which could be very bad news if they contain something like a “transfer money” message… From [...]


location.replace doesn’t work when the following page is a PDF

Applies to:IE 6.0 (+others?), ASP.NET 1.1, JavaScript, PDF, Adobe Acrobat For some reason (at least in IE 6.0) if you use location.replace (to’disable’ back button by changing browser history) doesn’t work when thenext page is a dynamically displayed PDF, e.g. Response.ContentType=”application/pdf”;Response.BinaryWrite( (byte[]) Session[myPDF]);Response.Flush(); The history still displays the prior page in the history list. I’m not sure if [...]


Using client certification authentication in web services in .NET

Applies to.NET 1.1IIS 6Windows 2003 ServerWindows XP (as client) 1. Obtain trial SSL server certificate (e.g. from Verisign) and install to IIS 6;2. On client machine, obtain personal “client” certificate (sometimes called email certificate) (e.g. from verisign);3. Using the certificates (Current User) MMC snapin, navigate to the Personal – Certificates folder (you should see your certificate [...]


Checking if a given Type implements a specific interface

There is possibly a framework method to do this but… private bool IsInterfaceImplemented(Type typeToCheck, Type interfaceToFind){Type[] interfaces = typeToCheck.GetInterfaces();foreach (Type iface in interfaces){if (iface == interfaceToFind){return true;}}return false;}


Nunit GUI quits without exception when testing objects derived from ServicedComponent

This is apparently a known issue… If you have problems using NUnit with EnterpriseServices, use the command line runner, nunit-console.exe (you will have to append your path to point to it eg. set path=%path%;C:\Program Files\NUnit V2.1\bin {assuming default install path}).