Search results for 'featuretoggle'

An Update on FeatureToggle v3 Development "The next version of my open source feature toggling library is currently in development. Version 3 will introduce a number of new features and retire support for some older platforms. For the currentl ..." Type: Post
Tags : featuretoggle, open source, .net
Microsoft Feature Toggle Feature Flag Library: A First Look EDIT: my Feature Management Pluralsight training course is now available. As the creator of the .NET Type: Post
Tags : C#, .net, .net core, featuretoggle
Creating a Windows Store App NuGet Package for ARM, x86 and x64 "It’s possible to create a NuGet package from a Window Store class library project that contains 3 different DLLs, one for each of the platform types: ARM, x86, and x64. When the NuGet package is inclu ..." Type: Post
Tags : nuget, windows store apps
Using Azure Functions and Microsoft Flow to Send Notifications for NuGet Package Downloads One of the NuGet packages I maintain is approaching 100,000 downloads. I thought it would be nice to Type: Post
Tags : microsoft flow, azure, azure functions, serverless
Multiple Platform Targeting in Visual Studio 2017 Suppose you are creating a library that has a central set of features and also additional features t Type: Post
Tags : C#, .net, .net core
Using the Microsoft Feature Toggle Library in ASP.NET Core (Microsoft.FeatureManagement) This is the first part in a series. EDIT: my Feature Management Pluralsight training course is now a Type: Post
Tags : .net, .net core, c#, featuretoggle, msftseries, FeatureManagement